General features
The monoblock valves of the BF series deriving from the valves of the BM series differ from them by having at the inlet a three ways priority integrated and pressure compensated flow control (RFP) or two ways integrated pressure compensated flow control (RFS). In the RFP type the exceeding flow is recuperated into the system and allows the simultaneous use of the two sections of the valve, the first ruled by the priority (PF) and the second by the exceeding flow (EF). In the RFS type the exceeding flow (EF) goes to tank. A very important feature is that the flow control only works when a priority element is actuated. On the contrary the oil goes to tank without the flow control being actuated and, therefore, without losses of flow and unnecessary heating.
In RFS circuits, non-priority sections get the whole flow when they are individually operated; in RFP circuits, when a priority section is actuated, non-priority sections get only the exceeding flow.
BF valves are available with One or more priority elements.

The motor (A) is fed by the priority flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. The exceeding flow (EF) goes to tank.
The motor (A) is fed by the priority flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. The exceeding flow (EF) is recuperated so that it allows the contemporaneous usage of another valve by adding a CO plug. The cylinder (B) is fed by the whole flow of the pump (P) if the motor (A) is not in work. When the motor (A) is in work, the cylinder (B) is fed only by the exceeding flow (EF).
The motor (A) is fed by the priority flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. The cylinder (B) is fed by the whole flow of the pump (P) if the motor (A) is not in work. When simultaneously actuated, the motor is fed by the priority flow (PF) and the cylinder by the exceeding flow (EF). If the cylinder is actuated while the motor is in work, this last will not vary its rotation speed.
When singly actuated, the motor (A) is fed by the whole flow of the pump (P). The cylinder (B) is fed only by the priority flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. When simultaneously actuated, the cylinder is fed by the priority flow (PF) and the motor by the exceeding flow (EF). If the cylinder is actuated while the motor is in work, this last will decrease its speed in proportion to the quantity of oil used to actuate the cylinder.
The cylinders (B, C) are fed by the priority flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. The cylinder (D) is fed by the whole flow of the pump (P) if it is singly actuated. When actuated together with one of the two other cylinders (B, C), the cylinder (D) is fed only by the exceeding flow (EF).
All cylinders (B, C, D, E) are fed by the prioeity flow (PF) which is adjustable through the flow control knob on the directional control valve. The exceeding flow (EF) is recuperated so that it allows the contemporaneous usage of another valve by adding a CO plug.